History Research Team
Research special history requests initiated by FMHM or from external sources (i.e. Town of Fort Mill)
Investigate property donation notifications from individuals having potential FMHM related historical items for inclusion in the museum collection
Ensure robust, qualified, and diverse team members are readily available to serve and support the FMHM research and acquisition programs
Provide oversight and facilitation of the FMHM Research and Investigation program to ensure consistent, timely and thorough response for history research or property investigation
Conduct all interfaces with FMHM visitors, staff, volunteers, partners, and associates with honesty, integrity, and respect
Research Team Participants and Eligibility:
Team Lead is appointed by Board Chair
Team participants must be FMHM members
Team advisory or subject matters experts may be utilized from time to time for information or guidance however these individuals are not considered committee members
Team members are solicited and recommended to serve by the Team Lead with final approval by the FMHM Board of Directors
Team members serve at the discretion of the FMHM Board with no established term limitations and are approved for participation annually by the FMHM Board
Research Team Responsibilities:
Ensure history research requests are processed in a timely and consistent manner and documented in the approved format then delivered to the requestee and FMHM Executive Director
Respond to property donation requests from the community in a timely manner with effective and thorough vetting so recommendations can be made to the FMHM Collections & Special Projects Manager for inclusion in museum collection
Provide monthly team activity update to FMHM Executive Director
Record team meeting minutes and provide to the FMHM Secretary
Provide quarterly communication to team members
FMHM Release Form
Team members are required to submit a signed FMHM Release Form before performing research, donation reviews, or any other FMHM History Research Team sanctioned endeavors and for all museum interactions (history research, video interviews, donated items, etc.).
The release form is for work performed on behalf of the museum such as documenting museum artifacts, performing history research, and investigating donation items for possible inclusion in the museum. This release doesn’t give the museum the rights or ownership to any of property items (photos, research, etc.) currently in the possession of research team members
The release form ensures a team member doesn’t restrict or limit the museum from the research performed as a FMHM History Research team member. It also ensures the team member doesn’t take into possession any donated items being investigated on behalf of the museum
The release form does not cover research a team member has performed in the past which may be used and included with FMHM sanctioned research initiatives. However, if past researched is provided to the museum as part of a sanctioned research request, the team member cannot limit the museum’s use nor can the museum limit the team member’s use of the documented research information. The museum is appreciative to past research information performed by team members and made available to the museum. Team members maintain ownership of past research or any research performed in the future which was not commissioned/sanctioned by the museum
The release form protects the museum from a team member not providing researched information to the museum for inclusion in the museum’s archives; ensures team members understand they are performing “work” on behalf of the museum; and team members can’t limit the museum’s use or request royalties/compensation for the work performed for the museum
Team Meeting / Communication Schedule
No scheduled monthly meetings
Meetings are called as needed for emerging issues
Property Ownership Disclaimer
All documents, paperwork created and maintained by the committee is to be submitted in a timely manner to the FMHM Executive Director for storage at the FMHM. All documents are the property and ownership of the FMHM
Fill out the following form if you are interested in joining or getting more information.